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Valeo launches a reforestation challenge

Valeo and its Italian and Greek customers are taking action to counter the damage caused by wildfires during summer 2021


Valeo has supported the work of Reforest’Action since 2017

In 2017, Valeo made a commitment to support the work of Reforest’Action, a French B Corp company whose mission is to preserve, restore and create forests worldwide as part of an authentic, sustainable response to the climate emergency and biodiversity loss. Reforest’Action selects forestry projects and supports them financially.


Thanks to the contribution of 3,000 companies and 300,000 citizens, Reforest’Action has planted and protected more than 17 million trees in 39 countries since its creation in 2010. For more information, please visit: www.reforestaction.com


Valeo supports Reforest’Action



2021: New Valeo initiatives to support reforestation in Italy and Greece

In the summer of 2021, Italy and Greece were severely hit by various fires affecting tens of thousands of hectares of forest.


In response to the devastation caused, we at Valeo decided to launch a challenge aiming at supporting the affected regions in a concrete way that actively involves distributors and workshops.


In Italy, for every 100kg of Valeo products ordered in October, November and December 2021, Valeo will plant a tree in Maremma park situated on the Tuscan coast. 10,000 trees are expected to be planted.


In Greece, the challenge will run during the same period of time and one tree will be planted in Arona Katerini in Greece’s northeast for every 50kg of Valeo products delivered. A total of 5,000 trees should be planted.


Forest restoration, an act vital to our future

Forest Restoration

The importance of forests to our collective future cannot be overstated. Not only are they the main land-based carbon sinks, forests are also home to 80% of land-based biodiversity and they support 25% of the world’s population.


At Valeo, we want to play an active role in rehabilitating the areas affected by the fires by working in synergy with our customers and workshops to have a substantial impact on the environment.


The aim of this project is not only to reforest the affected areas, but to develop local biodiversity by planting different species of trees.


In Italy, Maritime Pines, Oaks, and Holm Oaks will be planted across a 65-hectare plot of land in the Grosseto area.


In Greece, newly-planted species will include the Hungarian Oak, the Oriental Charm, the Flowering Ash, the Lime Tree, and the Plane Tree, all across a 20,000-hectare plot of land in the Thessaloniki region.


These new sustainable forests will enable an increase in biodiversity by creating numerous shelters for wildlife, and will help protect the surrounding areas from natural hazards such as strong winds, floods and landslides.


A concrete illustration of Valeo’s commitment to sustainability

At Valeo, developing technologies that move mobility towards cleaner, smarter and safer solutions is a part of our DNA.


Ten years ago, we embraced CO2 emissions reduction as a strategic growth driver and set the goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. Today, our comprehensive approach to limit the impact of our activities on the environment speaks for itself; our carbon reduction technologies already account for nearly 60% of our revenue stream, and Valeo is currently ranked as the most sustainable company in the automotive sector by all of the leading agencies.