A New Year’s Resolution
In the EU, where heavy duty commercial vehicles account for almost 80% of land freight transport – equal to almost 25% of the transport sector’s CO2 emissions – it’s more important than ever to find ways to cut waste and emissions.
From 1st of January, 2024, Valeo is implementing its core deposit scheme for Reman CV Clutch Kits in Europe. This comes as part of Valeo’s wider goal of accelerating the circular economy and thereby consuming as few new raw materials as possible.
As Christophe Perillat, Valeo’s CEO, has said, “Decarbonization mobility must go hand in hand with greater circularity and resources preservation.”
Fully optimizing the consumption of resources is an automotive aim in which Valeo is not alone. The whole road freight industry, from manufacturers to haulers, is committed to a more sustainable transport system.
Remanufacturing is one of the central pillars of Valeo’s 4R strategy, along with Recycle, Repair, and Robust design. It is also an integral part of Valeo’s multifaceted approach to sustainability: I Care 4 the Planet.
The core deposit scheme falls into both sustainability approaches and has simplicity at its core. The aim is to recover as many CV clutch kit cores from the market as possible in order to fuel Valeo’s remanufacturing production lines.
In a nutshell, the core deposit is a simple circular exchange system:

Valeo’s CV core deposit system has been made to be simply understood, with only 3 core bands (T, U, V) and 2 different costs (100€ or 200€), as in the table below:

Reverse Logistics System
Using a reverse logistics system that is quick and seamless, Valeo makes things easy for distributors, with a quick four week turnaround from collection pick-up to sorting report.
All that workshops need to do once the repair is completed is recover the cores, place them in the Valeo box, and then send them back to the distributor. The distributor stores them in a safe and dry place while Valeo ensures the reverse logistics from the collection of the cores to the deposit refund for all accepted cores.
Putting Down a Deposit on Our Future
To get the ball rolling along the distribution chain, Valeo is implementing an extensive support plan, augmented by a massive promotional programme during the first semester of 2024.
As Good As New
It truly can’t be overstated – reman CV clutches are AS GOOD AS NEW and have the same functional characteristics as new clutches. This is the reason they are offered with the very same 2-year warranty and unlimited mileage anywhere in Europe.
The very PROCESS of reman drives sustainability and the circular economy by decarbonising the CV Aftermarket while preserving resources. And come 2024, Valeo’s CV core deposit scheme will do just that!
Using a cleaner industrial process with less CO2 emissions, Valeo’s scheme perfectly fits with fleet sustainability initiatives. Moreover, compared with others available on the market, Valeo’s reman CV clutches are better priced than new clutches and benefit from a better life cycle cost too.
Add O.E. specs and original working conditions into the mix, and Valeo will be offering the market a product that is simply too good to pass up!
Come 2024, Valeo’s CV core deposit scheme plans to do just that!